Unrequited Love Triangle


 (Anthony, my ex, had suspicions that I was cheating on him, and it was tearing us apart. I was not cheating on him, but he started going crazy and obsessed over it, that it caused many a fued…including with the guy he thought I was cheating on.
After I broke up with him, though, I started dating that guy without his knowledge, because Anthony was a malicious vengeful person, though he always came off to be the charmer, and the person I was seeing was not out, and Anthony knew this.
We shared a cell plan.The Following is an actual incident that happened – word for word – written in screenplay format.)

A Day in My Life

SEAN – Me.
MARGE – Anthony’s Mother.
ANTHONY – My ex.
BOBBY – A straight guy.

(Clock says 12:00 pm. SEAN gets out of bed and walks past a room where MARGE, ANTHONY’S Mother, is putting clothes away)

SEAN: Good Morning.
MARGE: Morning.
SEAN: Any plans for today?
MARGE: I don’t know. Any idea what time Anthony will be getting up?
SEAN: I have no clue.

(MARGE makes her way into the bedroom where ANTHONY is sleeping. He is not. Instead, he stares up at the ceiling.)

MARGE: Are you gonna sleep all day?
ANTHONY: Probably not.
MARGE: Well, I would like to do something here, instead of sit around your house all day!! (She starts to leave, but turns back) Oh, by the way, when will I be getting the cellphone you promised me?
ANTHONY: I don’t know. Ask Sean.

(MARGE walks into the room where SEAN is finishing getting dressed.)

MARGE: Sean, Ant told me to ask you when will I be getting the cellphone from you?
SEAN: Um..well, I have a show going up next week, and I need to hold onto it so that my actor’s can get a hold of me.

(MARGE goes back into ANTHONY’S room.)

MARGE: Sean says I can’t have it until his show is over. You said I could have it, and I want it now!

(ANTHONY gets up and goes into the room where SEAN is getting ready to leave.)

ANTHONY: What are you doing today?
SEAN: I have to go to the rehearsal space and finish painting the set. The photographer is coming tonight for the newspaper, and I have to make sure everything is ready.
ANTHONY: Can you give my mother the phone?
SEAN: Ant, you know I need the phone so that my cast can get a hold of me. I will give it to you when my show is over.
MARGE: (walking into the room) The way I see it – you didn’t care about my son while you were using that phone to talk to some other guy, so why should my son care about your show?
SEAN: Fine! (grabbing the phone) You want the fucking phone…? (He throws it at her) Take the Goddamn thing! I’m out!!
MARGE: Good!!

(SEAN goes past her to grab clothes from another room. She picks up the phone and goes into another room. SEAN comes back in, and puts clothes into a backpack.)

SEAN: (his back to ANTHONY) You know, I didn’t want this to happen. I was trying to be nice! I didn’t want to fight. I wanted this to be civil, but I can’t take this. There’s too much tension in this house, and I can’t handle it anymore! (He leaves and passes by MARGE’S room) And Marge, you need to mind your fucking business, because what happened between us has nothing to do with you!!
MARGE: Yes it does!!! That’s Why I’m here!!!!!
SEAN: NO! You are here to help your son!! The reasons as to why we broke up is NONE of your concern, so don’t ever throw that in my fucking face!
(He goes back into the office, and sits in a chair, across from ANTHONY) I need the phone numbers from my contact list.
ANTHONY: I’ll write them down for you.
SEAN: No! I’ll write them down!
ANTHONY: What difference does it make?
MARGE: (coming in the room) Ant, I’m taking the 2 o’clock train. Hopefully, you’ll be ready by then. If not, I’ll find my own way to the train station. (She leaves.)
SEAN: You know she only wants the phone so she can call her boyfriend.
ANTHONY: I’ll let you have the phone.
SEAN: No. Give it to your mother. She wants it, she can have it. Your mother is only leaving because she’s upset. Let her calm down. She won’t go anywhere. I have to leave.
(MARGE comes back in)
MARGE: Sean, I have to apologize. You’re right – it is none of my business. What’s going on between the two of you is between the two of you. My son isn’t perfect, and he has a lot of flaws, but I don’t want to get into any of that now. So, I’m sorry for getting in the middle.
(She exits.)
ANTHONY: (tears in his eyes.) See, I’ve never had love. Not even from my own mother.
SEAN: I’m sorry.
ANTHONY: For what?
SEAN: For everything I’ve done.
ANTHONY: Thank you for that.
SEAN: I have to go now.

(EXT. SEAN is walking to the bus stop, wiping the tears from his eyes.
CUT TO: SEAN gets off the bus in a different neighborhood. approaches a house and knocks on the door. BOBBY opens it.)

SEAN: (entering) Hi…
SEAN: God, what a morning I’ve had. It all had to do with a cellphone. Ant’s mother asked for it, and it got heated…so I threw it at her, and I no longer have a cellphone.
(They sit on the couch)
BOBBY: Um, I’m going to make your day worse by telling you what I have to tell you.
BOBBY: I can’t continue this thing we have.
SEAN: Oh my God…
BOBBY: I have to end this today…
SEAN: Oh My God!
BOBBY: I did a lot of soul-searching last night, and I lost a lot of sleep because of it. Part of it, and I’m not saying that it’s everything, has to do with Anthony. Last night, after I dropped you off, I ended up screaming at the top of my lungs about how much I hate him and what he’s doing to you. I feel like every time we’re together, I’m peering over my shoulder, worried that Ant is following us, and I don’t feel comfortable. Not only that, but I came to a realization…You know, some people, they just know what they are and what they’re attracted to, and I’ve realised that I’m just not attracted to guys. I’m just not gay. My whole life, people have questioned me and my sexuality, and they may think it, but I know for a fact that I’m not. I made some bad choices, and throughout this whole situation, I was confused. It’s nothing against you, personally. I like you. You’re a great person, and an attractive guy, and I know I said I wasn’t going to hurt you intentionally, but I just can’t continue this…
SEAN: I see…
BOBBY: I’m sorry…
SEAN: No…I understand…I…
BOBBY: We can still spend the day together. If you need to go anywhere…
SEAN: No…I…I…(he puts his head down. He can’t fight the tears.) I have to go.
BOBBY: Sean…
SEAN: No…I don’t want you to see me like this…Besides, I have things I need to do…
BOBBY: Let me give you a ride, at least.
SEAN: No, I’m good. I…I can’t be here.
BOBBY: Sean. Please stay.
SEAN: No. I’m too embarrassed.
BOBBY: You have nothing to be embarrassed about.
SEAN: Oh, but I do. Everything…it’s…it’s…I don’t know. I can’t speak.
BOBBY: Sean, you’re free now. You can go anywhere you want…back to New York…Away from this town. I want you to be happy.
SEAN: But I was happy…with you. You made me happy.
BOBBY: I know. And I’m sorry.
SEAN: No…I’m sorry. The tears…please understand, I have a lot going on…
BOBBY: I know, and I didn’t want to do this…
SEAN: But you had to. I wouldn’t have wanted you to fake it. I prepared myself for this…or, at least I thought I did, and I don’t hold it against you…
BOBBY: We can still be friends. We can still hang out. If you’re bored, and you wanna do something…go somewhere…Come over. I value our friendship, and I don’t wanna lose you.
SEAN: Thank you. And if that’s the only way I can have you in my life, I’ll take it. I just…I fell too hard, too fast…it’s my fault.
BOBBY: No, its my fault for letting it get as far as it did. I should have never moved past the friendship.
SEAN: But I’m glad you did, because, at least for those moments, I had you in my life…
BOBBY: And you still have me in your life…just not like we were. I’ll be here for you whenever you need me.
SEAN: Thank you. That makes it a little easier for me. I would have hated for this to happen and we go our separate ways…I just…Just know that I will still respect your secrecy and that no one will know about us, because I still…I wouldn’t want to hurt you in any way.
BOBBY: Thank you for staying. I really didn’t want you to leave. We can still do what we’re doing…you know – going out and switching who’s paying…’cause friends do that.
SEAN: So I guess we can’t have sex anymore?
BOBBY: (chuckles) No sex…
SEAN: And I take it that I can no longer hold your hand…
BOBBY: (chuckles) No more hand holding.
SEAN: It was great with you, you know…I…nevermind…I can learn to accept this, but just know that I won’t be able to get over you so quickly.
BOBBY: I know. And please don’t think that there’s someone else. i just want to be single. I’m so much happier that way.

(That night, I had a photo shoot with a newspaper, as they were showcasing me as a Director, where I had to hide this hurt behind a smile.
Afterwards, I ended up getting shit faced drunk, where I went back to Anthony’s and had a meltdown on the floor. Crying, hysterically. Anthony, not knowing anything that happened, laid down next to me, and tried to comfort me by putting his arm around me.
I moved away from his touch.)

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